Tuesday 27 January 2015

Naomi's 'face off' analysis

face off

Shallow depth of field at sniper rifle reveal with the assassin as the target. This draws the viewer attention directly to him as there’s nothing else you can see apart from him. Viewer put in the sniper's position by showing viewpoint down the scope this add restricted narration by only allowing the viewer to see down it. It’s also a POV shot making the viewer closer to the situation. Slightly disorientates the viewer, but brings them closer to the action.

The sniper rifle suggest danger and connotes that someone will get hurt, but makes the viewer curious about the target, as the viewers don’t know if the assassin is good or evil which gives us the sense of enigma. The location where they are is very childish and appears to be safe, as there is a roundabout which links back to realism due to it being something in most people’s memories. When we cut to one of the scenes of the assassin he is drinking a drink which is possibly some sort of milkshake, which conveys a sense of childhood and child nature as he is also drinking it through a straw which makes the viewer think that he isn’t taking it very seriously and he is also very immature.

There is contrapuntal sound, which is confusing for the viewer as the calm, triumphant music doesn’t match the danger of the assassin in which someone is in great danger. When the gun fires the gun shot signifies a complete change of mood in the scene as the assassin is also now in danger from being caught by someone who saw him, there is no dialogue in the sequence which makes the scene much more dramatic and emotional as the slow motion picture slowly destroys someone’s life.


There is cross cutting throughout the build-up for the gun firing, this builds up the suspense up until the climax of the gun being fired. There is multiple match on actions for example the trigger being pulled and the bullet leaving the gun, to the man collapsing, this helps the creates the flow of the sequence and also maintain continuity.


1 comment:

  1. Good Naomi, you analyse editing well here in particular. The diegetic sound of the gun shot is worth mentioning. Also, the post production work after the shooting - the distorted feel to create danger.
