Friday 16 January 2015


After completing our filming, editing and producing our final product of our short film: The Job Interview. We have discussed and evaluated the strengths and weakness of the short film and have drawn up some improvements for next time.

A key feature to a professional looking film is succefully using the white balance in order to achieve a good quality film. Unfortunetly we forgot to do this during filming which meant our lighting looked uneven and the whites didnt match throughout, again although it was not hideously obviously. It was a subtle continuity error which can be changed to make the best possible film. Next time we film, we will use white balance in order to create the most realistic accurate film, without continuity errors.

We also want to focus more on sound and lighting by experimenting more and using different equipment. We feel by using a microphone next time it would greatly improve our sound quality and therefore improve the film. Also we feel by expiermenting with different lighting and lighting equipment, it could enable us to further our skills and film. Especially with our future project of the thriller sequence, where lighting is a key feature to create tension etc for the spectator.

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