Wednesday 28 January 2015

Analysis - Ocean's Eleven

In the beginning 26 seconds of the sequence, we can hear a male voice shouting to some other people to "open gate two" and "face the wall". Straight away, we can tell by the stern tone in his voice and the words he uses that this man is some kind of guard in a prison as we can hear marching in the background, keys jangling and metal gates clanging as they open up.

The camera fades from black to a darkly lit room with a single chair in the frame. The diegetic sound that is footsteps come into earshot as a man, Danny Ocean, comes into frame and sits down. He is wearing slightly grey clothing, which shows the spectator that he is a prisoner in this prison. His body language as he sits down suggests that he is confident in this situation he is in now as he sits with his legs slightly open, leaning back on the chair and is holding his hands contently together. An offscreen voice states that the reason he has been brought to this room is to determine whether or not he is likely to break the law again if he was released. This sparks the spectator's attention and gives them a chance to think about why he was arrested in the first place, and why they are willing to release him. The same offscreen voice then states that this man has been involved in several frauds in the past, though never charged for them. Danny repeats what she said about him never being charged for these frauds confidently and smoothly, as if he knows he will be released in the end.

A few more lines of dialogue is exchanged between Danny and the two interviewers/guards before one of them asks him, "what do you think you would do if released?" As these words are spoken, the camera cuts to a close up of Danny, which is the first time the camera shot size has changed in this whole beginning, which shows us that he is thinking carefully about what he is about to say, or even perhaps he is scheming something else already. As she finishes her sentence, Danny says nothing and just looks at the two of the interviewers with no obvious expressions on his face, hiding his thoughts and making himself unreadable.


  1. diegetic sound of keys and gates ....
    good Naomi - you are using terms like dialogue and offscreen well.
