Wednesday 22 April 2015

Folly's Evaluation - Question Six

 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

For our main task, we used a lot of filming equipment: some were from borrowed from college, some were our own. We decided to use our own camera for filming as we felt more comfortable using this because we knew our way around it and felt it would be beneficial. Along with the camera, we used our own tripod. From the college, we borrowed a sound recorder, handheld lights (which also came with their own tripods) and a light reflector.

When it came to the editing, we found that it was more time consuming to get the sequence exactly how we wanted it than we thought. A lot of this was due to trying to match the sound with the video on screen, which took several hours to do for the whole sequence. Even though there wasn’t a huge difference in the sound recorded from the recorder and the sound recorded from the camera, we still used the separate sound recorder’s sound. This was to help us gain some experience in using that piece of technology and hopefully help us improve in the future. As a group, we found creating unique production logos quite difficult to do as it required lots of precision (when creating our own logo in Photoshop), though we still found it enjoyable and were pleased with the end result. We did not have too much difficulty with editing our title screen where it shows “White Collar Complex”; the only part we struggled with was choosing an appropriate font.

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