Friday 17 April 2015

Ella's Evaluation - Question Four

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our thriller was targeted at 15-24 year-olds who are mainly female. We chose to rate our film a 15. As we have some strong language in our sequence and in the film as a whole there is likely to be strong violence.  We felt this was appropriate for our target audience and also suitable for the themes and issues we wanted to explore. We have decided to appeal and target females specifically as our protagonists and antagonists are going to be ‘glamorous’ females with alluring makeup and costumes. This generally attracts women as they aspire to be like the women in the film, as well as relating to the as fellow females. For example 'Black Swan' (2011), not only did I as a female go to this film with my female, I know my mother did with her female friends although none of my male friends did. This conveys how generally, the majority of spectators going to see a film with a female protagonist in it are female. This is also indicated by the research by 'Pearl and Dean', If you look at this 'Films at a glance' the most popular with the female audiences has got a female lead. 

Our film could also attract a male audience as they would like the action as well as be attracted to the women. For example 'Fast and Furious 7' (2015) a film filled with action. I took a show of hands pole in my film class, mixed equally with males and females asking who had been to see the film. All that raised their hands were male.  In our film, there are suggestions to weapons such as knives and firearms as well as actually having them shown in the film. This again attracts the male audience for the action element.

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