Wednesday 22 April 2015

Folly's Evaluation - Question Five

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

From the very beginning, we decided that White Collar Complex would aim to attract 15-24 year old females. By using strong and attractive female lead roles, we feel that the audience would be able to connect more and empathise better with the characters, which would give the spectator a better experience when watching the film. We also thought that having glamorous female characters would give our audience someone they aspire. As time went on, we decided to widen the age of the target audience to 15-26 year olds, and not just females. Another reason we chose attractive females as our lead roles is to attract males of similar ages to the film. Our storyline about embezzlement may not be understood very well by younger viewers, and since there is bad language and violence in various scenes in the film we decided to make the certificate a 15. We also thought that the scene in our opening sequence where Natalie hears the gunshot through the film may be unpleasant or unsettling to younger viewers.

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