Friday 17 April 2015

Ella's Evaluation - Question Three

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

We have produced a low budget UK thriller film as an Independent British Film distribution/production company, we did not aim to compete with those of the high-end massively profitable in media distribution and institutions. 

Film distribution is about reaching our target audience with the product for their viewing. It is the most crucial part of the process as it connects the product with the audience, there are a few ways in which this can be done; either cinema or home viewing. By placing using home viewing we would be uploading the film onto the internet. Through doing this it becomes widely accessible. A huge amount of people globally can access it with ease. This allows us to extend our possible audience to who has an internet connection. Youtube would be the best choice to distribute our film onto the internet. Since YouTube is the 3rd most popular website, it gives us an opportunity to reach millions of possible consumers. It is easy and cheap to distribute the film this way, we simply would have to make a YouTube account then the film is available for free to anyone who wants to view it. Although initially the element that it is free to view, could be seen as a negative. However, it is still possible to earn a profit through doing this. If people like the film, they may want to invest in its merchandise. You could sell T-Shirts or DVD copies of the films to the fans, allowing you to gain an income. In addition to this, if you film starts getting enough views, YouTube will pay you to allow them to advertise on your videos. The more click throughs an advert gets the more money you receive and the more views the more click throughs.
Image result for youtubeYouTube also makes it extremely easy for us to share our film on social networking sites, meaning more publicity and access to more possible consumers. YouTube connects to our target audience, of 15-24 year-olds who are mainly female as it is a familiar site and 15-24 year olds are constantly on the internet. It also allows people to interact with the actual producers and the film, they can like, share and comment on the film. 

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