Tuesday 24 March 2015

Naomi's Evaluation - Question Seven

Costume and location

I think I have gained a load more of knowledge from the preliminary task, looking back at our preliminary we didn't think everything through and just thought everything would be fine filming each shot once, when we were working on our preliminary film we didn't put as much thought and effort into where our location was going to be set, or what sort of costume each character was going to wear; but for our 'White Collar Complex' film we researched and discussed in detail every single idea to make it the best to our ability thinking about hair, make up, etc.
As we were filming outside of college we needed permission to film in each of our locations which we put evidence of on our blog so that we were allowed to film there. 


For the preliminary we learnt where to add Foley effects and where to increase the sound to crescendo. From what we learnt in the preliminary we were experienced for confident to use it in our main task, although we didn't put many effects for sounds to make our preliminary film seem more interesting, we did in our main task, we tried to make our film more interesting and build enigma for example the non diegetic sound at the end of our film when Natalie hears the gun shot makes the audience questioning what happened and wanting to know more.
Our preliminary film hardly any editing done on it at all; as it have the basic cuts and match on actions. Our sound have very little editing done to itself.

Our thriller opening was much more complicated and diverse, when beginning to edit our footage for the main task we labelled every clip to make each shot easier to work with. We created folders labelled them for each scene (for example, kitchen scene, dog walking scene) and what shot they would be used in; we rated each shot out of ten on how smooth and impressive the footage was. This made our editing a million times easier and simpler to create into our film, we kept all the footage just in case we needed to use a snippet if none of the footage worked together. I believe by doing this it made our editing quicker to create.   

From techniques learnt from the preliminary film, we over-layed answering phone sounds to create good music effects, by overlapping Foley sounds at different points it made it easy to understand how many times Natalie tried phoning Hannah.

For our preliminary task we didn't use any lighting at all apart from natural lighting which make our shots different colours, when working on our main task we got taught about different lighting and how to use it, so when filming for our 'White Collar Complex' we used lighting to make our shots look more realistic for each scene, we also set the white balance so that each shot was the same colour and didn't look darker or lighter than others.

1 comment:

  1. This is better and your best post to date under this evaluation. Titling is also something you can discuss.
